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Case Study: Drone-Assisted HVAC System Removal and 2D Orthomosaic Mapping at a Shopping Centre

Case Study: Drone-Assisted HVAC System Removal and 2D Orthomosaic Mapping at a Shopping Centre

Background: A prominent shopping centre was undergoing a major renovation, which included the removal of outdated HVAC systems. The management sought an innovative approach to document this process and plan for the replacement of new HVAC units.

Challenge: Traditional methods of capturing the removal process and planning for new installations were time-consuming, labour-intensive, and often lacked precision. The need for a safer, more efficient, and detailed method was evident.

Solution: The use of drones equipped with high-resolution cameras provided a modern solution. The drones were deployed to take videos and photos of the HVAC systems before, during, and after removal. This aerial perspective offered a comprehensive view of the project’s progress and helped identify potential obstacles.


  1. Pre-removal Inspection: Drones conducted initial inspections to assess the condition and positioning of the existing HVAC units.
  2. Removal Documentation: As the HVAC systems were being removed, drones captured the process in real-time, providing valuable footage for stakeholders.
  3. 2D Orthomosaic Mapping: After the removal, drones were used to create a 2D orthomosaic map of the entire roof area. This high-resolution composite image served as a precise and scalable reference for planning the installation of new HVAC units.


  • Safety: Drones minimized the need for manual inspections in potentially hazardous areas.
  • Efficiency: The process was significantly faster than traditional methods, reducing downtime and labour costs.
  • Precision: The 2D orthomosaic map provided an accurate layout, aiding in the optimal placement of new HVAC units.
  • Data Analysis: Advanced sensors on drones, including thermal imaging, detected anomalies not visible to the naked eye, ensuring the health of the new installations.

Outcome: The drone-assisted approach streamlined the removal and replacement process of HVAC systems. The detailed documentation and precise mapping facilitated better decision-making and planning, leading to a successful renovation project.

Future Implications: This case study demonstrates the potential of drones in transforming asset management and maintenance. The ability to quickly gather detailed visual data can significantly impact the efficiency and safety of construction and infrastructure projects.

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Dave shoots for Speed Media Image Agency, a professional photo agency providing coverage of all sports, events and photojournalism. We photograph for international, national and local media agents, including Getty Images, Icon Sportswire, AP, News Corp, The Times, ESPN and CNN. We have a team of commercial photographers ready to shoot for sport teams and sponsors.

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