p: 0425 432 037 | e: dave@davehewison.com
Magazine Photoshoot – The Automobile Magazine
Alta Dashboard

Magazine Photoshoot – The Automobile Magazine

Capturing the essence of two vintage Alta’s for The Automobile Magazine was an experience that transcended the ordinary. These machines, steeped in history, were not merely vehicles; they were icons of a legacy that has shaped the course of automotive innovation. The task at hand was not just to photograph; it was to honour the spirit of Alta’s heritage.

The polished surfaces of the Alta’s gleamed, each reflecting a story of triumphs and trials. My role as a photographer was to encapsulate their enduring beauty and the narratives they carried within their classic lines. The camera served as my conduit, allowing me to weave a visual tale that would captivate the hearts of car aficionados and readers.

Each snapshot was a silent ode to the Alta’s. They represented an epoch where meticulous craftsmanship and ingenuity reigned. The images I crafted were more than mere captures; they were a salute to the dedication and fervour embedded in these timeless creations.

Being chosen by a publication renowned for its rich, in-depth explorations of motoring history was a profound honour. This assignment with The Automobile Magazine elevated my craft to a new pinnacle. It was a testament to my journey as a photographer and a chronicler, tasked with safeguarding a slice of automotive grandeur.

The Automobile

Why Choose Us

Dave shoots for Speed Media Image Agency, a professional photo agency providing coverage of all sports, events and photojournalism. We photograph for international, national and local media agents, including Getty Images, Icon Sportswire, AP, News Corp, The Times, ESPN and CNN. We have a team of commercial photographers ready to shoot for sport teams and sponsors.

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